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Suunto SK-8 Bungee Mount Compass

Suunto SK-8 Bungee Mount Compass
Our Price: $105.00

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Many divers take compasses for granted, considering them just an accessory to an overall dive gauge console system. Trying to navigate with a poorly designed or improperly functioning compass can be one of diving's more frustrating events. The SK-8 has set a new standard for dive compasses. The superior SK-8 features an exceptional tilt potential of +/- 30° degrees, which is 2-3 times larger than in conventional diving compasses. SK-8, the latest edition of Suunto's leading dive compasses, delivers even better underwater performance with faster stabilization and enhanced readability. The instrument can be used over a wider area of the globe thanks to an upgraded magnet. The SK-8 Compass has easy-to-read numerals on a phosphorescent compass card, and a large side-reading window for gun-sight accurate navigation.

The firm-grip rotating bezel with a ratchet at every 5° degree is especially designed to prevent sand-and-dirt contamination, thus allowing smooth turning in all conditions. The compass bezel has compass headings in 30° degrees numbered increments and indicator marks for every 5° degrees. Bezel has twin heading indicators for alignment of compass course and a lubber line across the compass face. The compass is liquid filled for a quick and responsive movement. The compass is offered in 3 models depending on your diving requirements.

If wearing the compass on your wrist is preferred the compass comes in a durable rubber boot with adjustable wrist strap and is easy to mount on your wrist. Boot has side notch for side reading navigation. This model is great when you don't always need to carry a compass on every dive.

The compass is also available in an add-on-end model. Durable rubber boot allows easy mounting on the Vyper, Gekko and analog consoles to give the diver complete instrumentation. The compass boot also has side notch for side reading navigation.

The third model is an add-on-back model and will also work with Vyper, Gekko and analog consoles. The compass boot also has side notch for side reading navigation. All compass models come with an owner's.

Suunto SK8 Compass Features

  • Suunto SK8 Compass:
  • Available in 3-Models; Wrist, Bungee, Add-On-Back and Add-On-End Versions
  • Wrist Mount Design: Use Only When Needed
  • Add-On-Back: Compact Console Mount
  • Add-On-End: Full In-Line Instrumentation
  • All Models Equipped with Durable Rubber Boots
  • Latest Edition of Suunto's Leading Dive Compasses:
    Delivers Even Better Underwater Performance
    Faster Stabilization and Enhanced Readability
    Instrument Can-Be-Used-Over Wider Area of Globe
    Upgraded Magnet
  • Tilt Potential of +/- 30° Degrees
  • Tilt is 2 to 3 Times Better than Conventional Compasses
  • Phosphorescent Compass Card for Easy-Reading in Low Light Conditions
  • Large Side-Reading Window
  • Gun-Sight Accurate Navigation
  • Northern Hemisphere Zone 1/NH Compass
  • Designed for Excellent Navigation
  • 360° Degree Ratchet Bezel
  • Liquid Filled Compass
  • Lubber Line
  • Owner's Guide

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